Become a MarketingProfs Partner!
Do you enjoy MarketingProfs content? Do you get value out of what you read on our website? Do you already tell your colleagues about MProfs? Then why not earn some money for your referrals? Here’s how our partner program works.
Earn $2 per referral for Basic membership
Basic membership is FREE, so selling it is easy. For every new Basic member you refer, you’ll earn $2. Refer a few marketers, and have lunch on us!
Earn $100 per sale for MarketingProfs University courses
MarketingProfs University courses boast some of the best marketing education online today. For every MPU ticket you refer, we will send you $100. We’ll even give you a $200 discount to pass along, so your buyers will get a great deal too.
You’ll get your own unique URL
We’ll give you a link to promote on your website, blog, podcast, newsletter, email signature block—or wherever makes sense to you. Plus, you’ll have a dashboard so you can see how your promotions are doing. Is Twitter sending you the most business? Or is it your email newsletter? Our dashboard can show you in real time.
No long-term commitment required
Sign up today, and start earning tomorrow. If you change your mind and want to drop out, no problem. You can leave the program at any time.
Getting started with the partner program is easy.
- Click the “Sign me up!” button
- Complete the easy application form
- Once approved, we’ll send you a coupon code and dashboard login info
- Promote our products to your friends, fans, colleagues, neighbors, and pets
- Earn fees for each referral, and watch the checks roll in!